New dance period 2017 - 2018


Having the 56 years of experience, but above all the love for tradition and dancing, we begin this year, with a passion, our journey to the traditions of tradition. On Sunday 1 October at 18:00 we begin with the sanctification and registrations for the new dance period 2017 - 2018.

The dance section of the club with its heavy history continues to be renewed and invites small and large, experienced and beginner dancers to participate in this beautiful trip with dances from all over Greece, from Thrace and Pontos to Crete and the Cyprus. There are two children`s departments and two adults, the first children`s section from 4 to 7 years old will have a lesson every Saturday at 5-6 pm, the second children`s department with ages 8 to 12 every Saturday 6-7 pm, one adult section every Wednesday 9-10pm and the second adult section on Saturday 7-8pm. All courses will take place at the Cultural Center of Portaria. In the children`s departments, our philosophy is to learn the steps of dance, as well as the general knowledge of Greek Folk Traditional Culture through playful forms, more in the small section, through various videos, acquaintance with Greek traditional instruments, music- and other forms of teaching without departing from our subject of dance.

In the course of the year, the club organized many events with a central theme of tradition and dance, such as Christmas and Carnival celebrations, co-organizing with other clubs for foreign events, children`s festival of traditional dances, and also participating with its dance sections at events and outside the walls of Magnesia.

The main event for our club was and will be the revival of the Pelion Wedding. This year was enriched and short documentaries will be presented on the history and cultural value of the revival of the Pelion marriage.

For the new year, dance participations have already been organized at various festivals inside and outside of Magnesia, such as Andros and Messolongi, as well as excursions and visits focusing on culture and tradition as well as the creation of a team spirit. Dance starts from the fingers and touches our soul, says the choirmaster of our club Mr. Moutos Konstantinos (Professor of Physical Education specializing in Greek traditional dances - musician) and promises us a wonderful trip to her dances, customs and customs Greece. We are waiting for you!!!`